99-летний принц Филипп передал один из своих титулов, жены принца Чарльза
Опубликованно 23.07.2020 22:30
Муж британской королевы Елизаветы II, герцога Филиппа Эдинбургского, впервые за долгое время принял участие в публичном мероприятии. В среду, 22 июля, в 99 лет, князь передал один из его титулов жена старшего сына Чарльза, собирают перешла дорогу.
На церемонии, которая состоялась одновременно в Туалете замок и Делаю house, герцогиня получил почетное звание Королевского полковника отряда стрелков пехотного полка Британской армии.
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Today, The Duke of Edinburgh has been succeeded as Colonel-in-Chief of @rifles_regiment by The Duchess of Cornwall, in a ceremony which took place at both Windsor Castle and Highgrove House. . The Duke has been Colonel-in-Chief of successive Regiments that have made up The Винтовок с 1953 года, and today, they are the largest infantry Regiment in the British Army. . The Duke of Edinburgh's arrival was marked by four Buglers, who are members of The Винтовок' military band. . The Duke was thanked for his 67 years of service and support to the Regiment, before the Buglers sounded the 'No More-Парадах' call, marking HRH's final ceremony as The Винтовок' Colonel-in-Chief. . At Highgrove House, The Duchess of Cornwall was greeted by a Стекляруса call, and was welcomed by the Regiment's Colonel Commandant as The Винтовок' new Colonel-in-Chief. . The Duchess вы close links with the Regiment, and has served as Royal Colonel of its fourth Battalion since 2007.
Dpi, Русалка, The Royal Family (@theroyalfamily) 22 Leap 2020 r. 7:22 PDT
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????The Duke of Edinburgh was wished, "fair winds and following seas" (an old Naval term) as he was thanked for his 67 years of service to @rifles_regiment today. . Видео via @clarencehouse
Dpi, Русалка, The Royal Family (@theroyalfamily) 22 Leap 2020 r. 11:59 PDT
Ранее королевская семья опубликовала новую фотографию королевы Елизаветы II и ее мужа.
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